Fibre Tense Massage Sports Massage Therapist


Sports & Remedial Massage Treatments to suit Every Body

60 Minute Mobile Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage Treatment performed at your location: £80.00

60 Minute Mobile Massage

90 Minute Mobile Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage Treatment performed at your location: £110.00

90 Minute Mobile Massage

120 Minute Mobile Massage

Sports & Remedial Massage Treatment performed at your location: £140.00

120 Minute Mobile Massage


A Sports Massage is an assessment, testing and treatment of an injured, painful and/or stressed muscle, joint and/or region of the body. Along with homecare advice, stretches, strengthening exercises and health-promoting information, it can help prepare the body for any sporting or movement activity, aid in injury recovery and prevention, decrease the creation of muscle imbalance, reduce tension and adhesions and break down calcifications and scar tissue.

It involves a whole range of deep tissue muscle manipulation and static techniques, along with various forms of aided stretching to promote muscle health, strength and action whilst improving joint range of movement and flexibility.

Firstly, a holistic or sports massage should only ever be performed by a qualified therapist with the highest professionalism and safety and always prioritising the client’s comfort as paramount. Any treatment received should always involve a consultation, an explanation of the treatment that is to be performed and an invitation to open dialogue and feedback throughout the entire treatment and beyond. Receiving a massage is a person permitting themselves to put aside just one hour for their health and wellness and of course, afterwards, they should feel less stressed, more relaxed and somewhat rejuvenated.

Regular massage encourages the body to repair and rejuvenate itself at a higher rate, it can aid in injury recovery and reduce incapacity time and it will promote a greater stress-reduced lifestyle. It is also a wonderful way to treat yourself to an experience that is a personal gift to your body.


A professional Sports Massage should only ever be performed to the comfortability level of the receiving client. If the pressure is “too deep”, or the massage is “painful” in any way, then the treatment is then working against the body’s natural healing process and is creating a stress response.

As a client of Fibre Tense Massage, you are in full control of the treatment and therefore have permission to “speak up” if you are feeling discomfort in any way. And the massage can be adjusted to accommodate your body’s preferences.

Sports Massage has a common misconception of being a massage that only athletes or people involved in fitness will benefit from the effects of. However, as a deep tissue massage treatment, it has the potential to aid or benefit any person who is suffering from any tension, tightness, muscle and soft tissue injury or scar tissue.

So if you are a desk worker, who possibly has neck, shoulder and/or lower back pain or perhaps your employ has you standing for long periods and you have aches or pains through your legs and feet, you too could benefit from a tailored Fibre Tense Sports Massage treatment.

Of course, if you are an athlete (amateur or professional) or a fitness enthusiast, a Fibre Tense Sports Massage treatment can assist in injury management, repair and recovery or also be tailored to be a part of your training regime for exercise warm ups, cool downs and aid in tension and fatigue reduction.

A Fibre Tense Sports Massage treatment could bring you more freedom of movement, pain and tension reduction and potentially improve your performance, whatever your work or sporting discipline.

Depending on the massage being performed, a relaxation-based holistic massage or a more deep-tissue sports treatment, the body will experience different results. A holistic massage is primarily performed to reduce stress and tension using gentle effleurage and some mild deep techniques over a full body massage to bring the body towards a more central state of homeostasis. A sports massage utilizes more focused and deeper techniques to possibly just one area of the body to relieve muscle stress, reduce tension and adhesions and break down calcifications and scar tissue. However, any massage can be a blend of many different techniques to suit a client’s desires. Any massage performed will likely encourage fresh oxygen and nutrients to parts of the body being treated, flush toxins and foreign substances from the muscles and encourage a sense of well-being.

The gift of massage is something that I enjoy bestowing on every client and with every treatment. Not only do I get a kick out of having a client feel ‘amazing and relaxed’ after a treatment performed, but I also find it very therapeutic and grounding for myself whilst conducting a massage. There is almost always a wonderful energy experienced during a massage and I feel blessed to see my clients leave with a smile afterwards.

My number one tip for having a happy body: Stretching… Stretch every day, as often and as long as you can. It does not just have to be the old stretch routines that we all learned at school or playing team sports as these can get stale and tedious, there are other more dynamic and fun ways to gently stretch our bodies. For instance, performing Yoga or Pilates once a week and incorporating simple movements or poses from your classes into your daily routine. You will be amazed at your sense of body & mind health and well-being after just a couple of days. So stretch!

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Book your next Sports Massage now

Contact Fibre Tense Massage directly on WhatsApp to Schedule your next mobile massage treatment in the convenience of your home, office or location of your choosing.

By appointment only.